
Future-Proofing Your Workplace: The Role of Digital Signage in Hybrid and Remote Work Models

Faith Ngaruiya
July 8, 2024

For years, the conventional wisdom has been that in-person offices and face-to-face interactions are essential for effective communication and collaboration. But what if there was an easier, more engaging way to keep employees connected and informed, no matter where they work? 

A significant portion of internal communication teams are looking to expand their use of digital signs within the company. The modern workplace is rapidly following suit to provide remote and hybrid employees with the technology they need to succeed in the digital age. 

Challenges of Hybrid and Remote Work Models 

Communication gaps 

Communication gaps in the traditional workplace model are not unheard of but it gets tougher in remote and hybrid setups because the flow of information or ideas can easily become fragmented, delayed, or siloed. Even though virtual communication via online chats and video calls is convenient, it’s easy for employees to misunderstand each other in the absence of non-verbal cues. Plus, waiting for a reply due to differences in time zones can be frustrating and make it harder to work together. The absence of spontaneous chats in the hallway can also start to make people feel lonely and out of the loop. 

Employee engagement and culture maintenance 

While it’s true that a majority of remote workers feel more satisfied with their jobs compared to on-site workers, 40% often grapple with the challenge of unplugging after work hours, as highlighted by a Remote.co survey. This constant connectivity blurs the lines between work and personal life which is why burnout levels and decreases in overall well-being are becoming more prevalent.

While on that, keeping employees engaged and maintaining the company culture is difficult when everyone is spread out and mostly communicating online. The absence of regular in-person interactions often leads to feelings of isolation and detachment from the company’s missions and values. 

Choosing the Right Technology 

The diverse needs of employees working both remotely and in the office call for a tailored approach to technology solutions. This means finding tools that facilitate seamless communication and collaboration across teams in different locations while keeping in mind the security concerns of employees accessing company data from all over the place. And, let’s not forget that the needs of an organization aren’t static. The chosen technology needs to be adaptable and scalable to keep up with the changing dynamics of the workplace environment. 

Space Utilization and Management

Figuring out how to use office space when some people work from home and others don't is a whole new puzzle. Empty desks and underused meeting rooms are a waste of money, but you also need to make sure there's enough space for everyone when they do come in. It's a balancing act between cutting costs and creating a comfortable and productive environment for those who are in the office. Companies, in turn, have had to rethink how they design their spaces, maybe with more shared desks or flexible areas, to get the most out of their real estate.

Digital Signage Solutions for Hybrid Workplaces 

Digital Signage Solutions for Hybrid Workplaces

Interactive Wayfinding and Hot-desking Systems 

For hybrid workers who might not be familiar with the layout on a day-to-day basis, interactive wayfinding makes navigating the office much easier. The employees can get step-by-step directions to quickly locate colleagues, available working stations, meeting rooms, or amenities like the break room. 

When hot-desking systems are integrated with digital signage, they empower employees to choose their workplace for the day without assistance. The digital displays can show the real-time availability of desks, allowing employees to reserve a spot in advance or find an open desk upon arrival. 

Real-time Updates and Announcements 

Think of digital signage as your company's very own news ticker. It's perfect for flashing up-to-the-minute updates, important notices, or even birthday wishes to keep everyone in the loop. It means those working from home don't miss out on office happenings, while employees in the office can stay informed without constantly checking their inboxes. And, since these updates can be pushed out instantly, everyone gets important news right away, no matter where they are. This helps to keep everyone connected and feeling like they're part of the same team, even when they're not always in the same place.

Virtual Team Collaboration Tool

Virtual team collaboration tools, integrated into digital signage displays, act as a virtual workspace where hybrid teams can connect, communicate, and collaborate seamlessly. Project management boards displayed on digital signage allow teams to track progress and visualize workflows so that everyone is aware of project status and deadlines. 

With video conferencing capabilities on digital signage employees can have spontaneous or scheduled virtual meetings, fostering face-to-face communication and building team rapport. Shared document editors facilitate real-time collaboration on documents, presentations, and spreadsheets, regardless of physical location. 

Integrating these tools with digital signage transforms the traditional meeting room into a dynamic, collaborative space for both in-office and remote employees.

Virtual Team Collaboration Tool

Implementing Digital Signage for Remote Workers 

Cloud-based Digital Signage Platforms 

Cloud-based digital signage platforms can reach remote workers without disrupting their workflow. Companies use employees' existing devices - laptops, tablets, or smartphones - as display screens and integrate digital signage into the remote workers' daily routine. For instance, messages can be displayed during computer start-up or as screensavers during idle time. Alternatively, a dedicated app or browser extension can show important updates in a non-intrusive corner of the screen.

The best thing about cloud-based digital signage systems is that messaging can be targeted. Managers can segment content by department, team, or individual role so that remote workers only see information pertinent to their work. 

Integration With Home Office Setups 

Integrating digital signage with home office setups requires a balance between effectiveness and respect for personal space, to create a visible yet unobtrusive information channel in the remote worker's environment.

One practical approach is to provide employees with small, dedicated display devices like compact smart screens or digital photo frames. These can be easily placed on a desk or mounted on a wall, as a designated space for company communications without encroaching on personal areas.

But to save on costs, it’s much cheaper to develop applications that turn an unused monitor or tablet into a digital signage display. 

To minimize disruption, the digital signage should be configurable. Employees should be able to adjust brightness, set display times, or even temporarily disable the feed during focused work sessions or video calls. This flexibility ensures that the signage enhances rather than hinders the home office experience.

Mobile Applications For On-the-go Access 

Mobile applications extend the reach of digital signage beyond the home office so that remote workers stay connected even when they're on the move. The app should facilitate push notifications for urgent updates, offline access to previously loaded content, and the ability to customize information feeds based on the employee's role or preferences. 

To respect work-life balance, the app should include settings that allow users to define "do not disturb" hours or toggle notifications on and off so that remote workers have control over when and how they engage with company communications.

Personalized Content Delivery

Personalized content delivery is the secret sauce to engaging remote workers through digital signage. Onсe you tailor content to meet the individual preferences and needs of the remote worker, it grabs their attention and keeps them invested in what's happening at the company. 

Imagine receiving a personalized welcome message when you log on for the day, or getting task reminders relevant to your specific projects. Even virtual "water cooler" chats can be personalized to connect you with colleagues, who share similar interests. 

Charts and statistics

How Digital Signage Improves Hybrid and Remote Work

Improved information accessibility: Digital signage provides remote and hybrid work models with a central hub for all information updates. Digital screens broadcast company news, policy changes, and important announcements to all employees simultaneously, regardless of their physical location. 

Fostering company culture across distributed teams: Appreciated employees are the most motivated and tend to be more productive. Digital signage can play a role in this: showcasing employee spotlights, celebrating achievements, and displaying company values, in a way that helps remote workers feel connected to the organization's core identity. 

Streamlining workflows and processes: Project timelines, deadlines, and individual responsibilities can be clearly displayed on strategically located screens to inform everyone about their roles and the overall progress of the project. When integrated with project management tools, digital signage can provide real-time updates on task completion and milestones to enhance collaboration and minimize delays. 

Data-driven insights for workplace optimization: By keeping an eye on how people use digital displays, book meeting rooms, and move around the office, companies can learn a lot about how employees interact with both the physical and virtual workspace. This data helps inform decisions on how to arrange the office, allocate resources, and invest in technology for better support of hybrid work. 

For remote workers, analyzing their engagement with digital signage content can help companies understand what kind of information resonates with them and how to improve communication strategies to create a more connected and productive remote experience.


We discussed how digital signage is changing the way businesses approach hybrid and remote work models and highlighted the specific challenges these models pose and how digital signage solutions can address these hurdles head-on. 

The success of your hybrid or remote work model doesn't hinge solely on adopting the latest technology, but on choosing solutions that align with your company's specific goals and challenges. With the insights gained from this article, you're better equipped to make informed decisions and leverage digital signage to create a more connected, engaged, and productive workforce.

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