
Why Consumers Need the Digital Signage Experience

Faith Ngaruiya
July 1, 2024

Consumers are constantly bombarded with information, no wonder the short attention spans and higher expectations for engaging experiences. This has sparked a growing need for innovative advertising solutions that cut through the noise and leave a lasting impression.

Digital signage is changing how brands connect with their audience by delivering the level of immersive experiences that consumers want. But what exactly makes digital signage so irresistible? And how can brands use this technology to captivate their target audience and drive meaningful results?

In this article, we'll uncover the key reasons why consumers are drawn to digital signage, exploring its unique benefits and the impact it has on the overall customer experience.

Engagement on Another Level

What makes a customer keep coming back? Loyal customers return to brands and spend 31% more than new customers, with 46% likely to continue purchasing even after a negative experience. The key lies in customer engagement – the process of forming and growing relationships with customers through various interactions over time, often across multiple channels.

Digital signage is a powerful tool for taking customer engagement to the next level. By delivering personalized, relevant content in a visually appealing and interactive way, digital signage creates an emotional connection with consumers that fosters brand loyalty.

Traditional marketing methods often struggle to forge genuine connections with consumers. Digital signage, on the other hand, can build strong emotional connections through:

  1. Personalization: Tailored content based on demographics, preferences, or real-time data makes customers feel valued and understood. Imagine walking into a store and being greeted by a digital sign displaying recommendations based on your past purchases or browsing history. This is a level of personalization that traditional advertising cannot match. 
  1. Omnichannel Experience: Digital signage can seamlessly integrate with other marketing channels, such as social media, mobile apps, and email marketing, to create a consistent and engaging experience across all touchpoints. This reinforces the brand message and strengthens the customer relationship.

Instant Information Delivery

Everything you want to know is only a Google search away. It’s what consumers are used to, and they carry this expectation when interacting with a business. That means that essential information about services, pricing, ongoing promotions, policies, regulations, or wayfinding information should be readily available and up to date. 

64% of consumers say they have switched brands because of poor customer experience. Let’s bring that to perspective: two people walk into a store, both looking for the latest smartphone model. One store has a static sign displaying the phone's basic features, while the other has a digital sign showcasing a vibrant video that highlights the phone's capabilities, along with real-time price comparisons and current promotions. 

Which store do you think the customers are more likely to choose?

Digital signage can provide instant information and empower customers to make informed decisions quickly and efficiently. Required updates can be made remotely and the changes will reflect on the screens immediately. 


Digital signage empowers consumers by giving them control and choice. Interactive directories, kiosks, and mobile apps put consumers in the driver's seat, where they can navigate spaces, customize orders, and access information on their terms. This self-directed experience satisfies a fundamental human need for autonomy and makes customers feel valued and respected.

While personalized recommendations can enhance the experience, digital signage avoids intrusion by offering suggestions based on preferences without being overly invasive. Additionally, self-service solutions like contactless payments and information kiosks streamline interactions, save time, and further empower consumers.

The Impact of Ignoring Digital Signage

Missed Opportunities

68% of customers are more inclined to make a purchase because of a digital signage ad. That’s huge and it means a great opportunity to engage customers and influence their purchasing decisions. Businesses that are yet to leverage digital signage are leaving money on the table and handing their potential customers to competitors on a silver platter. 

Small businesses with limited budgets might argue that the initial investment and ongoing maintenance costs might be too much of a stretch, but they can always start with what they have. A consumer TV no longer in use, an Amazon FireStick, and a cloud-based software solution are enough to hit the ground running. 

Falling Behind the Competition

Industry giants such as Nike are setting the standard for what the ideal customer experience should look like. Their flagship stores are a showcase for video walls, interactive screens, and personalized product recommendations that create a shopping experience like no other. Nike isn’t just selling shoes; they’re selling an experience and digital signage is part of that. Even if you’re running a small cafe, having a digital menu board with mouthwatering visuals and daily specials will give you a competitive advantage over those who without.  

Areas Where Digital Signage is Transforming Consumer Experiences

Retail Revolution

Retail is by far the largest digital signage market segment, and the reason is simple: it works. Digital signage can boost average purchase amounts by nearly 30%, with almost half of consumers having a preference for in-store ads compared to other mediums.

Here are some of the ways that digital signage is enhancing the shopping experience:

Virtual Try-Ons: In-store or window displays equipped with cameras and interactive screens allow customers to virtually try on clothes, accessories, or makeup using augmented reality (AR). This lets customers visualize how products will look on them, reducing returns due to incorrect sizing or style.

Beacon Technology: When a customer with a retailer app on their phone enters the store, a beacon triggers relevant content on nearby digital signage, for instance, personalized recommendations based on past purchases 

Facial Recognition Technology: Camera sensors analyze the customer's demographics and then pull out a relevant ad specifically tailored for them. 

hotel desk registration with digital signage

Enhanced Hospitality Experiences

Hotels, restaurants, and other hospitality businesses are using digital signage to create more welcoming and informative environments. Digital displays provide guests with information about amenities, local attractions, and upcoming events, as well as offer personalized recommendations based on their preferences.

The Marriott Marquis hotel in Times Square wanted to bring the energy of the city into its lobby. To achieve this, they partnered with LG to install two massive, 50-foot-wide Direct View LED displays. These high-resolution screens showcase a curated selection of vibrant digital art, live TV broadcasts, and informative content tailored for hotel guests. The immersive nature of the displays and their sheer size have revitalized the lobby and created a modern and captivating atmosphere. They've become a focal point for guests to gather and enjoy major events. The project has been praised as a success in transforming the lobby into an engaging space that leaves a lasting impression on all who enter.

Modernized Healthcare Communications

There has been a growing emphasis on patient-centred care in healthcare, and digital signage is helping achieve. Display signals enhance the patient experience by providing tailored and interactive content, including vital information, entertainment, and wayfinding assistance. Research has shown that digital signage improves patient communication and engagement, and a significant portion of patients prefer healthcare facilities that have it. 

Key Takeaways

  • Unlike traditional marketing, digital signage evokes emotions through personalized content, building lasting connections with consumers.
  • Digital signage integrates with social media, mobile apps, and email to create a consistent brand experience at every touchpoint.
  • In the age of instant gratification, display signs meet consumer expectations by providing up-to-date information whenever and wherever they want it.
  • Interactive displays empower consumers to explore, customize orders, and navigate spaces independently, satisfying a fundamental human need for autonomy.
  • Ignoring digital signage means missing out on influencing consumers who are more likely to buy products advertised on screens.
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